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Animal advocacy
Animal husbandry
Animal protection
Animal rights
Animal welfare
Animal welfare industrial complex
Animal-using industries
Conflict of Interest
Conscientious objection
Critical thinking
Doctrine of necessary evil
Happy Meat
Humane myth
Humane slaughter
Non-participation and Non-cooperation
Non-violent social change
Open Rescue
Path of Conscience
Plant-based diet
Values-based activism

Isn't it counter-productive to raise issues about the work of animal advocacy groups that do lots of good work for the cause?

When the animal-using industry and some animal advocacy groups promote "humane" animal products, it becomes much more difficult to educate the public about what really happens to animals being used and killed for human purposes. As time passes, the public gets the message that some animal products truly are humane, and that the reasonable person's response to the issue is to purchase the right kind of animal products -- that doing so is a great way to help animals, help the environment, and improve one's health, all while enjoying products that are tastier than ever. As a result, reconsidering the exploitation and killing of animals, and adopting a diet free of animal products, come to be seen more and more as impractical and extreme.

As noted in the Humane Declaration, those contributing to this site recognize that a broad range of creative methods are needed to transform our society. Social change almost always occurs step by step, in increments. But understanding that there are many valid ways to work for change does not mean that all approaches and all incremental steps are created equal. There are some steps that are actually going backwards, and some approaches that come along with so many negative side effects they are just not worth it. We need to exercise our judgment, and choose short term goals that do not undermine the foundation of long term change, and that do not contradict our core values. There are so many ways to help our society evolve toward greater justice and compassion. But helping the animal-using industry rehabilitate its public image, and helping those producing "humane" animal products market their products and increase their profits are not among them. These type of activities by animal advocacy groups, however well intended, require engagement in conflict of interest and withholding the full truth from the public, both of which are damaging to our society as well as the cause of justice.